Ronan-Doolan @ronan-doolan ?

active 9 years, 5 months ago
  • Ronan-Doolan posted a new activity comment:   10 years, 5 months ago · View

    Dear Luigi

    Have you looked in /ns-allinone-3.7/ns-3.7/src/routing/geo-routing

    Ronan Doolan

    In reply to - Luigi Picari started the forum topic New Routing Protocol in the group iTetris Custom Application Development : Hi, I’m implementing my own routing protocol in iTETRIS. It’s not easy to understand where I can configure the protocol stack for the nodes. Where I can replate the geo-routing protocol with my routing protocol? Where can I find more doc? Thx [...] · View
  • Ronan-Doolan posted on the forum topic SUMO Installation : undefined reference to `xercesc_3_0::[...]' in the group Setup Support:   10 years, 11 months ago · View

    You need to uninstall xercesc in the synaptic package manager then download xercesc from source

    configure make and install

    then download gdal1.6.0 from source

    configure make and install then copy s from local/lib to lib

    This worked for me on ubuntu 10.4

  • Ronan-Doolan posted a new activity comment:   10 years, 11 months ago · View

    what version of linux are you using?

    In reply to - mohammad started the forum topic installation ics in the group Setup Support : hi i want to install iCs but i cant build “autotools” file and this massage appear in the terminal: autoreconf -i libtoolize: Consider adding `AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR()’ to and libtoolize: rerunning libtoolize, to keep the correct libtool macros in-tree. libtoolize: Consider adding `-I m4′ to ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS in [...] · View
  • Ronan-Doolan posted on the forum topic recompiling in the group Setup Support:   11 years ago · View

    Just run sudo make install after you have changed the code

  • Ronan-Doolan posted a new activity comment:   11 years, 6 months ago · View

    Either try the guide posted above or try and install 10.10 from somewhere

    In reply to - Deepak Puthal posted an update in the group Setup Support : I am finding such types of error, Can any one help me regarding this. - – - $ iCS -c itetris-config-file.xml Loading configuration… done. Terminated sumo: no process found java: no process found WELCOME TO iTETRIS ================== STEP 1 – SETUP PHASE iCS –> SUMO launched. iCS [...] · View
  • Ronan-Doolan posted a new activity comment:   11 years, 6 months ago · View

    It will install correctly on 10.04 but I don’t think it will run

    I assume you’ve followed the guide correctly, but apart from that I can’t really help you.

    This hanno-spiker wrote a guide for installing it on 10.04
    I was unable to get it working however

    In reply to - Deepak Puthal posted an update in the group Setup Support : I am finding such types of error, Can any one help me regarding this. - – - $ iCS -c itetris-config-file.xml Loading configuration… done. Terminated sumo: no process found java: no process found WELCOME TO iTETRIS ================== STEP 1 – SETUP PHASE iCS –> SUMO launched. iCS [...] · View
  • Ronan-Doolan posted an update:   11 years, 6 months ago · View

    Has anyone got iTETRIS working on ubuntu 10.04, I have only suceeded in getting it to work with ubuntu 10.10 which there is no longer any support for.

    Will there be a new version of iTETRIS soon?

  • Ronan-Doolan posted a new activity comment:   11 years, 6 months ago · View

    Okay what versions of ubuntu, sumo and ns3 are you using

    In reply to - Deepak Puthal posted an update in the group Setup Support : I am finding such types of error, Can any one help me regarding this. - – - $ iCS -c itetris-config-file.xml Loading configuration… done. Terminated sumo: no process found java: no process found WELCOME TO iTETRIS ================== STEP 1 – SETUP PHASE iCS –> SUMO launched. iCS [...] · View
  • Ronan-Doolan posted a new activity comment:   11 years, 6 months ago · View

    At the moment iTETRIS seems to only be compatible with ubuntu 10.10

    In reply to - Dmitrijs Culkovs posted an update in the group Setup Support : Hello, I’m trying to install iCS on my ubuntu 12.04, but installation fails on last step(I suppose) Here is the log: dmitry@dmitry-Satellite-A300:~/Загрузки/iTETRIS_Platform_0.2.0/iCS$ sudo make install Making install in src make: Вход в каталог `/home/dmitry/Загрузки/iTETRIS_Platform_0.2.0/iCS/src’ Making install in foreign make: Вход в каталог `/home/dmitry/Загрузки/iTETRIS_Platform_0.2.0/iCS/src/foreign’ Making install in mersenne [...] · View
  • Ronan-Doolan posted a new activity comment:   12 years, 5 months ago · View

    Sorry for the late reply I only saw your message, ubuntu version needs to be 10.10

    In reply to - Sherin Abdel Hamid posted an update: Hello, I’m trying to run the demo but I got this error ********************** SETUP PHASE ENDS HERE. iCS –> Global simulation timestep is: 0; last step is: 3000 ============================================================ STEP 5 – SIMULATION PHASE – Tics = 0 STEP 6 – SIMULATION PHASE – Tics = 0 Step #0.00Warning: period [...] · View
  • Ronan-Doolan posted a new activity comment:   12 years, 6 months ago · View

    I used sumo-0.12.2
    What version of linux and ns3 are you using

    In reply to - Sherin Abdel Hamid posted an update: Hello, I’m trying to run the demo but I got this error ********************** SETUP PHASE ENDS HERE. iCS –> Global simulation timestep is: 0; last step is: 3000 ============================================================ STEP 5 – SIMULATION PHASE – Tics = 0 STEP 6 – SIMULATION PHASE – Tics = 0 Step #0.00Warning: period [...] · View
  • Ronan-Doolan joined the group iTetris Custom Application Development   12 years, 8 months ago · View

  • Ronan-Doolan posted a new activity comment:   12 years, 9 months ago · View

    You need to download ns3.7 not ns3.7.1

    I got this link from a post by Hanno-Spijker

    In reply to - Asif-Sardar started the forum topic WAVE 802.11p in the group Setup Support: Any WAVE 802.11p ns3 implementation in iTetris? Where the source files could be found? · View
  • Ronan-Doolan posted a new activity comment:   12 years, 9 months ago · View

    The itetris source files relating to wave can be found in ns-allinone-3.7/ns-3.7/src/inci-utils

    In reply to - Asif-Sardar started the forum topic WAVE 802.11p in the group Setup Support: Any WAVE 802.11p ns3 implementation in iTetris? Where the source files could be found? · View
  • Ronan-Doolan posted an update:   12 years, 10 months ago · View

    Does anyone know how to make the demo send messages other than cam messages
    Im really confused some one please help

  • Ronan-Doolan posted a new activity comment:   12 years, 10 months ago · View

    sudo ./configure –enable-sumo –enable-ns3 –enable-applications -with-geographic=/usr/local -enable-log
    to configure and see if that makes any difference.
    I found the guide from the site gave me errors

    So I used the guide posted by Hanno-Spijker
    and it worked fine

    In reply to - Mohamed posted an update in the group Setup Support : please help i cant install the platform im new to linux but i do every thing like they say in the installation guides and this what i did i installed this in the same sequence 1- linux ubuntu 10.10 2- m4-1.4.15 3- autoconf-2.68 4- automake-1.11 5- libtool-2.4.2 6- [...] · View
  • Ronan-Doolan posted an update in the group Bug reports:   12 years, 10 months ago · View

    Could anyone tell me how to get topobroadcast messages to be sent

  • Ronan-Doolan and Hanno-Spijker are now friends   12 years, 11 months ago · View

  • Ronan-Doolan and Konstantinos-Katsaros are now friends   12 years, 11 months ago · View

  • Ronan-Doolan joined the group Bug reports   12 years, 11 months ago · View

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