1. What does iTETRIS stand for?

iTETRIS is the project acronym for Integrated Wireless and Traffic Platform for Real-Time Road Traffic Management Solutions.

2. Can iTETRIS interact with Traffic Management Applications that are not written in C++?

Yes. iTETRIS supports language independency among all its foundation blocks including the traffic management applications. If you already have a piece of code you only would have to implement a very simple interface based on IP sockets.

3. Can I use my own simulator instead of the one iTETRIS come with?

For sure! The iTETRIS architecture is designed to allow the maximum interoperability as possible. The simulators, both traffic and wireless communications, are hooked to platform through a middleware called the iCS. Then it is necessary to implement a series of functions that rely on IP sockets to complete the coupling between the new simulator and the iCS.

4. What kind of machine I need to run an iTETRIS simulation?

That depends on the configuration of the scenario to be simulated that consists on various factors such as the accuracy of the communications, the amount of enabled communication technologies and of course the size of the traffic network. iTETRIS was conceived having in mind large scale scenarios so we recommend to use high end machines. Using Intel i5 and 4 GB of memory is a good starting point.

5. I don’t have a very powerful workstation but I do have two medium-power computers. Can I take advantage of them?

Yes. The main block that constitute iTETRIS are linked using IP sockets. This allows running each block in a different computer which permits that the resources of the machine are dedicated only to one main block. For instance, it is a good idea to move the wireless communications simulator to a dedicated machine because it is the block that consumes most of the computational power.

6. Does iTETRIS offer a GUI?

No, currently iTETRIS works using Unix shell’s command lines. However, the simulation platforms that are part of iTETRIS may provide graphic interfaces. For instance, traffic simulator SUMO implements a GUI if executed in Windows OS. Running SUMO in separate machine with the GUI enabled and the rest of the platform under Unix on another computer would let you see how the flow of the traffic behaves in SUMO’s interface.

7. Which operative systems are supported?

iTETRIS works under Unix like system such as Ubuntu. However, it is possible to execute the simulators that are part of it in different environments if they allow it.

8. How can I install “make” utility in my system?

In the terminal type the following command: sudo apt-get install build-essential