Asif-Sardar @asif-sardar ?

active 12 years, 8 months ago
"Does anyone know about WAVE 802.11p ns-3 implementation in iTetris?" · View
  • Asif-Sardar posted an update in the group Setup Support:   12 years, 8 months ago · View

    The documents provided with iTetris package are quit brief. Are there any other sources of information for the software code and application development guidelines?

  • Asif-Sardar posted a new activity comment:   12 years, 8 months ago · View

    Can you please tell me which version of SUMO are you using?

    I get error with sumo, ”the tags in configuration files are deprecated”. Someone told me to install correct version of SUMO or reconfigure the files. Do you know which version of SUMO are you using.

    In reply to - Lukas-Worle posted an update in the group Setup Support : Some issues about the ITS Cooperative Demo Application: I needed to run the configure command again with the additional xerces-path: ./configure –with-xerces-libraries=”/usr/local/lib -lxerces-c” in src/foreign/tcpip/socket.h: there seems to be a problem in line 30 during compilation with the include of ”windows_config.h”. Is this correct here? Or should one [...] · View
  • Asif-Sardar and Hanno-Spijker are now friends   12 years, 8 months ago · View

  • Asif-Sardar posted an update in the group iTetris Custom Application Development:   12 years, 8 months ago · View

    Please join this discussion group for ITS application development discussions.

  • Asif-Sardar created the group iTetris Custom Application Development   12 years, 8 months ago · View

  • Asif-Sardar joined the group Bug reports   12 years, 9 months ago · View

  • Asif-Sardar posted a new activity comment:   12 years, 9 months ago · View

    Thank you so much for your help!

    I can see these files in ns-3.7.1, but when I apply the ns-3 Patch from iTetris project to ns-3.7.1 directory, the patch applies with some hunk failed error. And then when I configure and try to install ns-3.7.1 with Waf tool it gives errors in the .cc files. Seems that the patch or ns-3.7.1 is not maintained.

    Do you have any idea about above issues?

    In reply to - Asif-Sardar started the forum topic WAVE 802.11p in the group Setup Support: Any WAVE 802.11p ns3 implementation in iTetris? Where the source files could be found? · View
  • Asif-Sardar started the forum topic WAVE 802.11p in the group Setup Support:   12 years, 10 months ago · View

    Any WAVE 802.11p ns3 implementation in iTetris? Where the source files could be found?

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      Ronan-Doolan · 12 years, 9 months ago

      The itetris source files relating to wave can be found in ns-allinone-3.7/ns-3.7/src/inci-utils

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        Asif-Sardar · 12 years, 9 months ago

        Thank you so much for your help!

        I can see these files in ns-3.7.1, but when I apply the ns-3 Patch from iTetris project to ns-3.7.1 directory, the patch applies with some hunk failed error. And then when I configure and try to install ns-3.7.1 with Waf tool it gives errors in the .cc files. Seems that the patch or ns-3.7.1 is not maintained.

        Do you have any idea about above issues?

  • Asif-Sardar joined the group Setup Support   12 years, 10 months ago · View

  • Asif-Sardar posted an update:   12 years, 10 months ago · View

    Does anyone know about WAVE 802.11p ns-3 implementation in iTetris?