Yodi Suhasta @yosuhasta ?

active 11 years, 7 months ago
  • Yodi Suhasta and Ke Xu are now friends   11 years, 11 months ago · View

  • Yodi Suhasta started the forum topic ERROR setting fixed stations in ns-3 in the group Setup Support:   11 years, 11 months ago · View

    i got this error when i run community-demo-app ,, STEP 4 – SETUP PHASE Error: Answered with error to command 8 Wrong position in requestMessage after dispatching command. Expected command length was 28 but 14 Bytes were read. .. Sent command is not implemented (8), iCS –> SetFixedStationInNs3() Error in the message to create fixed [...]

  • Yodi Suhasta joined the group Setup Support   11 years, 11 months ago · View

  • Yodi Suhasta posted a new activity comment:   11 years, 12 months ago · View

    thanks for your reply Xu,,

    i think i have to use ubuntu 10.10 for installing ns-3.7 cause i don’t know i got many error,,
    i will try,,

    thanks in advance.. :)

    In reply to - Adyson Magalhães Maia posted an update in the group Setup Support: Hi, iTetris is compatible witch Ubuntu 12.04, ns-3.13 and sumo-0.15.0 ? · View
  • Yodi Suhasta posted a new activity comment:   11 years, 12 months ago · View

    hi,, i trying to install iTetris in ubuntu 12.04 and i have done, but when i try installing ns-3.7 i have many problems, i got error,,is iTetris compatible with stable release ns-3, like ns-3.14 …? or iTetris only compatible with ns-3.7 ??

    thanks in advance

    In reply to - Adyson Magalhães Maia posted an update in the group Setup Support: Hi, iTetris is compatible witch Ubuntu 12.04, ns-3.13 and sumo-0.15.0 ? · View