Raik-Aissaoui @raik-aissaoui ?

active 9 years, 4 months ago
  • Raik-Aissaoui posted an update in the group Bug reports:   11 years, 9 months ago · View

    there are some errors:
    in /src/inci-utils/itetris-types.h:
    enum ServiceProfile {CAM, DENM, APP, APP_ITSG5}; DENM and not DEMN
    in src/itetris-station-mgnt/umts-vehicle-scan-mngr.cc:
    station->SetLon(model->GetPosition().y); and not GetPosition().x

  • Raik-Aissaoui posted a new activity comment:   11 years, 9 months ago · View

    message.payloadValue = 0; //here you can change the advised speed

    In reply to - Ke Xu posted an update in the group iTetris Custom Application Development : Hello, First thank the developers for providing version 0.2.0 and this time the app can be run without any error. After reading guideline0.2.0 and running the demo app, I am still struggling to figure out how to modify the demo app. For example, the easiest [...] · View
  • Raik-Aissaoui posted a new activity comment:   11 years, 9 months ago · View

    I am trying to customize itetris example.

    For example to change the advised speed sending from RSU to vehicles, you will find it in community-demo-app/src/application-logic.cpp
    ApplicationLogic::SendBackExecutionResults(int senderId, int timestep)
    vector results;

    if (timestep >= m_appStartTimeStep && senderId == 5000) {
    // Loop vehicles in the area, one message per vehicle
    for (vector::const_iterator it = m_vehiclesInArea.begin() ; it != m_vehiclesInArea.end() ; it++) {
    AppMessage message;
    message.messageId = ++m_messageCounter;
    message.status = kToBeScheduled;
    message.senderId = senderId;
    message.destinationId = (*it).id;
    message.createdTimeStep = timestep;
    //message.payloadValue = (*it).speed + 10;
    message.payloadValue = 0; //here you can change the advised speed

    // Keep in safe place all the results to send back to the iCS
    results = m_messages;

    // Loop current messages to find those to be applied and erase from the result record
    for (vector::iterator it = m_messages.begin() ; it != m_messages.end() ; it++) {
    if ((*it).status == kToBeApplied) {
    m_messages.erase(it); // The value will be applied so there is no need to have it registered any longer

    return results;

    In reply to - Ke Xu posted an update in the group iTetris Custom Application Development : Hello, First thank the developers for providing version 0.2.0 and this time the app can be run without any error. After reading guideline0.2.0 and running the demo app, I am still struggling to figure out how to modify the demo app. For example, the easiest [...] · View
  • Raik-Aissaoui posted on the forum topic SUMO Installation : undefined reference to `xercesc_3_0::[...]' in the group Setup Support:   11 years, 9 months ago · View

    add LIBS=’-L/usr/local/lib -lxerces-c’ at the end of ./configure option
    it will resolve the problem

    sudo ./configure –with-fox-libraries=/usr/lib –with-fox-
    includes=/usr/include/fox-1.6 –with-gdal-libraries=/usr/lib –with-
    gdal-includes=/usr/include/gdal –with-proj-libraries=/usr –with-
    geographic=/usr/local/lib –-with-geographic-
    includes=/usr/local/include/GeographicLib –with-xerces=/usr/local/lib
    -–with-xerces-includes=/usr/local/include/xercesc LIBS=’-L/usr/local/lib -lxerces-c’

  • Raik-Aissaoui joined the group iTetris Custom Application Development   12 years ago · View

  • Raik-Aissaoui joined the group Setup Support   12 years ago · View

  • Raik-Aissaoui posted an update in the group Bug reports:   12 years, 9 months ago · View

    I got this error while executing the its_demo

    ^CiCS –> #Error while receiving response from Application: tcpip::Socket::receive() @ recv: Connection reset by peer
    iCS –> Error occurred when asking for new subscriptions (node 5000)
    iCS –> [ERROR] RunApplicationLogic() in NewSubscriptions.
    iCS –> ERROR running application logic in setup phase

    iCS –> #Error while receiving command: tcpip::Socket::receive() @ recv: Connection reset by peer
    iCS –> [ERROR] CloseSumo() Closing SUMO
    iCS –> Error occurred during iCS set-up
    Quitting (on error).
    I don’t know the source of the problem (I am a beginner :) ) )

  • Raik-Aissaoui joined the group Bug reports   12 years, 9 months ago · View