Muntaser @muntaser ?

active 7 years, 3 months ago
  • Muntaser posted on the forum topic VM ware in the group Setup Support:   9 years, 6 months ago · View

    I have the same problem. iCS cannot connect with ns3 and sumo.

  • Muntaser posted on the forum topic No connection to ns3 in the group Setup Support:   9 years, 6 months ago · View

    I have the same problem. iCS cannot connect with ns3 and sumo.

  • Muntaser joined the group iTetris Custom Application Development   9 years, 6 months ago · View

  • Muntaser posted an update:   9 years, 6 months ago · View

    While I am using the following command
    duarouter -n -t droomdorp.trip.xml -o droomdorp1.rou.xml
    This error is come on
    Error: No route input specified or all routes were invalid.
    Quitting (on error).


  • Muntaser posted an update:   9 years, 6 months ago · View

    Hi there
    I had installed iTETRIS from vm platforms but the scenarios described in the manual dose not come up when I run the iCS command as described
    any one have any idea why is that?

  • Muntaser created the group iTETRIS with Matlab   9 years, 7 months ago · View

  • Muntaser posted an update:   9 years, 7 months ago · View

    Ok I had finish installing and testing iTETRIS platform….Now how can I change the traffic light controller with Matlab toolbox… dose any one have an idea??

  • Muntaser posted on the forum topic VM ware in the group Setup Support:   9 years, 7 months ago · View

    could you please explain how could you installed the configured VMware one ….

  • Muntaser joined the group Setup Support   9 years, 7 months ago · View

  • Muntaser posted an update:   9 years, 7 months ago · View

    Has anyone got iTETRIS working on ubuntu 14.04, I am using VM ware workstation version 11

  • Muntaser commented on the blog post The new version of the iTETRIS platform is out!   9 years, 8 months ago · View

    Dear Julen,
    I have requested the itetris platform many times but haven’t received any notification related to it. Since two weeks I have been trying to get access to the platform but no response from you.