Julen Maneros @jmaneros ?

active 5 years, 4 months ago
  • Julen Maneros commented on the blog post iTETRIS platform is already available!   9 years, 1 month ago · View

    Dear khelifi,

    The registration server has suffered a technical problem during the holidays, and until now we hadn’t notice it was malfunctioning. I’m very sorry for the inconvenient; you have been added to the community. You should receive a email with your access credentials soon.

    Best regards,
    iTETRIS community admin

  • Julen Maneros commented on the blog post The new version of the iTETRIS platform is out!   9 years, 1 month ago · View

    Dear Arun,

    The registration server has suffered a technical problem during the holidays, and until now we hadn’t notice it was malfunctioning. I’m very sorry for the inconvenient; you have been added to the community. You should receive a email with your access credentials soon.

    Best regards,
    iTETRIS community admin

  • Julen Maneros commented on the blog post The new version of the iTETRIS platform is out!   9 years, 5 months ago · View

    Dear Muntaser,

    We have received your acces attempts, we have created you an account. As a member, you can download the iTETRIS platform here: http://www.ict-itetris.eu/10-10-10-community/download/

  • Julen Maneros commented on the blog post The new version of the iTETRIS platform is out!   9 years, 5 months ago · View

    Dear Muntaser,

    We have received your acces attempts, we have created you an account. You can download the iTETRIS platform here: http://www.ict-itetris.eu/10-10-10-community/download/

  • Julen Maneros commented on the blog post The new version of the iTETRIS platform is out!   9 years, 5 months ago · View

    Dear Danyang,

    First of all, thank you for your interest! :) If you wish to download the iTETRIS platform and the guidelines and becom a member of our community, you need to make a request through the form you can find in this url: http://www.ict-itetris.eu/10-10-10-community/support/

    Best regards,

  • Julen Maneros commented on the blog post The new version of the iTETRIS platform is out!   11 years, 10 months ago · View

    Hi Pakhi,

    Check out your SPAM inbox. The confirmation of the membership is not automatic.

    Best regards and happy new year!


  • Julen Maneros commented on the blog post The new version of the iTETRIS platform is out!   12 years, 1 month ago · View

    Dear Jacqueline,

    I will send you a message to your email.



  • Julen Maneros wrote a new blog post: The new version of the iTETRIS platform is out!   12 years, 3 months ago · View

    In the past months we have worked in iTETRIS platform having into account your suggestions and feedback. Today we realease the first major upgrade of it. With this version we deliver a more stable platform and with more capabilites that can actually provide a qualitative leap ahead in your work in the ITS environment. We [...]

  • Julen Maneros commented on the blog post iTETRIS platform is already available!   12 years, 4 months ago · View

    Hello Philip, If you are able to post in the iTETRIS Community then you are in already ;-) Regarding the new version of the platform we are getting it ready. I am sorry to say that it took as longer than expected but the waiting is almost over. Thank your for your interest in iTETRIS. [...]

  • Julen Maneros commented on the blog post iTETRIS platform is already available!   12 years, 4 months ago · View

    Hi Yordan,

    We are working on it. It will be available soon.

    Thank you for your interest in iTETRIS.

    Best regards,


  • Julen Maneros commented on the blog post iTETRIS platform is already available!   12 years, 4 months ago · View

    Dear Jackqueline,

    Currently we have temporarily disabled the links to download the platform due to updates. It is expected that in the next cuple of weeks it will be online again. Sorry for this inconvinience and thank you for your interest in iTETRIS.

    Best regards,


  • Julen Maneros and Jeremie Leguay are now friends   13 years, 2 months ago · View

  • Julen Maneros posted a new activity comment:   13 years, 8 months ago · View

    Hello Manfred,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    We are working on it. I will try to reproduce your error and try to come back ASAP.

    Best regards,

    In reply to - Manfred-Schoenheits posted an update in the group Bug reports : Hello everyone, i´m having almost the same problem, but i also get a segmentation fault when running the demo application: STEP 8 – SIMULATION PHASE – Tics = 100 GeoRoutingProtocol: RouteOutput => geounicast UTILS: distance of neighbor 0 to destination = 13.1529 UTILS: the min dist to dest [...] · View
  • Julen Maneros joined the group Bug reports   13 years, 8 months ago · View

  • Julen Maneros posted a new activity comment:   13 years, 8 months ago · View

    Hello again Lukas… this look likes a related question to SUMO rather than iCS. Anyway thanks for the workaround, we will include it in the guidelines so future users can take advantage of your work. Thank you very very much.

    In reply to - Lukas-Worle posted an update in the group Setup Support : As expected, the workaround for the sumo xerces-libs crashed during runtime. However, I found the solution for the problem. The sumo Makefile has the following entries after the ./configure command specified in the iTetris guidline: XERCES_CFLAGS = -I/usr/local/include XERCES_LDFLAGS = XERCES_LIBS = -L/usr/local/lib -lxerces-c Sumo couldn’t find the [...] · View
  • Julen Maneros posted a new activity comment:   13 years, 8 months ago · View

    Thanks Lukas for the heads up. We are going to update the source soon with your comments.

    Thank you!

    In reply to - Lukas-Worle posted an update in the group Setup Support : Some issues about the ITS Cooperative Demo Application: I needed to run the configure command again with the additional xerces-path: ./configure –with-xerces-libraries=”/usr/local/lib -lxerces-c” in src/foreign/tcpip/socket.h: there seems to be a problem in line 30 during compilation with the include of ”windows_config.h”. Is this correct here? Or should one [...] · View
  • Julen Maneros posted a new activity comment:   13 years, 8 months ago · View

    Hi Lukas,

    The connection does not take place because there is a segmentation fault at the beginning tha prevents the start of ns-3. I will have a look at that ASAP. Probably some file is missing.



    In reply to - Lukas-Worle posted an update in the group Setup Support : Some issues about the ITS Cooperative Demo Application: I needed to run the configure command again with the additional xerces-path: ./configure –with-xerces-libraries=”/usr/local/lib -lxerces-c” in src/foreign/tcpip/socket.h: there seems to be a problem in line 30 during compilation with the include of ”windows_config.h”. Is this correct here? Or should one [...] · View
  • Julen Maneros posted a new activity comment:   13 years, 8 months ago · View

    Thank you Lukas for this solution. We will have into account to enhance a troubleshooting guide.


    In reply to - Lukas-Worle posted an update in the group Setup Support : Hey Julen, thank you for the previous answers. It works fine now. I managed to install the iCS and the ns3.7 with the patch. Unfortunately, I have still some problems compiling the sumo. ’configure’ works fine, but I get an error when I try to run the ’make’ [...] · View
  • Julen Maneros posted a new activity comment:   13 years, 8 months ago · View

    Hello Michael,

    The app is now added to the source code.

    Now the libraries folder and the rest of the code is separated so you do not have to download the libraries again which is quite large.

    Thank you for using iTETRIS.



    In reply to - Michael-Oppermann posted an update in the group Setup Support: Hello, I would test my installation with the ITS Cooperative Demo Application but I can’t find it in the iTETRIS_Platform_0.1.0.zip. Where can I download this Application? Regards Michael · View
  • Julen Maneros posted a new activity comment:   13 years, 8 months ago · View

    HI Lukas and Michael. Sorry for the errors. With the new upload should work now.

    In reply to - Michael-Oppermann posted an update in the group Setup Support : I have the same problem. ”make -f Makefile.cvs” returns the same output and the configure command returns: … config.status: creating src/ics/facilities/mapFacilities/Makefile config.status: creating src/ics/facilities/mapFacilities/road/Makefile config.status: creating src/ics/facilities/stationFacilities/Makefile config.status: creating src/ics/facilities/messageFacilities/Makefile config.status: error: cannot find input file: `Makefile.in Is a solution or a workaround avaliable? Thanks [...] · View
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